Mini bars, ironically my biggest challenge yet!

One of the first things I wanted to do when I took over Rowdy and Fancy’s was to bring out mini bars and last September I finally managed it! The first challenge was choosing a mould, this sounds simple but in reality took a lot of combined brain power and online research. Do we make actual mini versions of the big ones? How many segments do we want? How mini is mini?  And so on… having decided on a 48g mould with 4 fingers we went on to the next step: packaging.


I will never look at a product in a shop the same way again, the care and thought behind each and every aspect of the packaging amazes me, something so simple is very important and specific! So, do we wrap the bar in an inner wrap of foil, paper, plastic, or what? I was determined to make the packaging as eco-friendly as possible and to stay away from the dreaded ‘P’ word (plastic) and eventually found a company willing to make us custom sized

wood pulp clear bags with a snazzy self seal. Not only are they clear so you can see the delicious chocolate before you eat it, they can also go straight in the home compost! Quite clever if we do say so ourselves.

The outer wrapper was always really going to be a box although we went through all the folded paper options just to make sure. Boxes seemed the most convenient for popping in your pocket or handbag and again these were specially made to a custom size and shape with help from my very talented and patient designer friend. The design process took so long and went through so many changes that when they finally arrived (all 12 thousand of them) I was so worried they wouldn’t actually fit that I couldn’t bear to open the delivery… after I finally plucked up the courage I was thrilled to find that not only did they fit but they were perfect.

Time for a cup of tea and a bit of chocolate, then lets bring on the next challenge!